Empowering Tourism 2.0 through

Creativity, Innovation, Social Networks, Marketing, Emotional Intelligence, Leadeship, Training and last but not least ... outmost Global Responsability.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Not minding the gap ...

Never mind that gap when you are determinated to do something that brings out your most passionate side. Just go get it!
I stumbled upon tourism some 10 years ago, by chance, without a real reason other than my boss at the moment, a senior scientist at an Institution belonging to the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), decided to study Tourism Impacts on Coastal Ecosystems and dragged me along with him. I was an environmental biologist by then ...

Tourism was so resoluted in my destiny that even when a few years later I made up my mind about leaving the public sector, for the wish of making a better living, I ended up at a consultancy firm in Barcelona as the coordinator for the territorial analysis of the 1st Tourism Strategic Plan of Catalonia.

I remember days and nights of a mind full of no-sense for me. I attended meeting after even a longer meeting without knowing or understanding more than half of what was being talked about. I had people at my charge I had to supervise and, for sure, some of them knew better than me. That put me in a really awkward situation. I had to make decisions and give directions ... I thought I was in a nightmare and that I would never make it.

But we humans are very flexible, and exposed to stimulus, more than capable to adapt to any environment that allows for life.

I learned the hard way and here I am, wild about Tourism Business as Unusual.

Wowing Tourism is my new blog, totally different from my previous one, cosMUNologia, a personal blog, written in my mother-tongue language, where I mainly record my journeys around the world and the feelings and impressions I get out of them.

I realized, on a more work-wise way, I had things to say that did not belong to cosMUNologia, and for what I had to create a brand new space of communication, a place to interact with all of you, a place that gave us all the opportunity to brainstorm issues and come up with new knowledge.

Even though I created this blog, I intend not to be sole owner of its contents and hope I will be able to capture your attention in order for you to contribute to make it a pool of knowledge sharing.

Wowing Tourism has the ambition to help any actor involved in the tourism sector to do better, based on new trends and on a new emerging demand. It has a very clear framework, and that is, putting into use all the new technologies available, mixed them with creativity and innovation, together with a handful of leadership and responsability, to make a wow-social- shared-cocktail that goes beyond any one’s expectations.

I am looking forward to getting it rolling on ... For now, the contents is limited to this launching day declaration of intentions, but together, we can make it wow!

So, what do you say? Are you game?


Udi said...

First of all: best of luck with the new site.
Am on a personal cross-roads now, a few options point out torward the tourism industry. Tooo soon to talk, but will be around.

Have fun!

cosMUNologia said...

Thanks Udi! Can't wait to hear about it. Best luck to you too.